Happy 2013!!
I am back.
I cannot think of a better time of the year to get back into blogging and to resolve to blog more then during the new year. During my two month blogging hiatus I missed documenting my weekly adventures and staying caught up on all my favorite blogs. I guess sometimes life gets in the way, but I really want to be better at blogging on a regular basis. With getting married in 2013, I know there will be lots of wonderful memories made and festivities that I want to document for friends and family near and far and blogging about it all is a wonderful online scrapbook to look back on years from now.
It isn't just blogging I want to get back into, one of New Years Resolutions is have more "Me Time", I guess that sounds kind of selfish and I should call it my resolution to, "Keep Up With My Hobbies." The other day I realized that I hadn't picked up a leisure book since October, I hadn't picked up my knitting needles in over a year, I hadn't attended one weekly ballet class since the beginning of November, and I had about 6 unfinished crafts I hadn't touched in the past few weeks/months, so in addition to blogging I want to try to make time to keep up with these hobbies, because I truly enjoy them.
It is easy to come home after a long day of work and after cooking dinner and lay on the couch, but I am going to try my very best to do one of my hobbies instead. Granted there are nights of wedding planning, and Junior League-ing, and just being plain tired, but baby steps right!
So here is too a new year full of happiness, health, and new adventures!
I have had a fabulous 2012 with so many wonderful memories, but I know 2013 is going to be amazing, with already so much to look forward to in the next year!
Here are some of my favorite highlights of 2012:

In January I enjoyed spending time with extended family at our mini family reunion in NYC.
In March, DFH and I hosted a 1950's Soiree for my Birthday and had a great time cooking up food from the Golden Age and dressing for the part.
April, brought celebrations of new babies with a longtime friend.
In May, DFH and I enjoyed attending Penguin Playoff games...
...Trips to Wine Country in Ohio
...and a NYC surprise for Grammy's 80th Birthday
In June, LES and I survived our first music festival weekend at Delfest...
Enjoyed a beautiful Wedding.
Had a blast at the Plate girls weekend on Long Beach Island
and at the Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney Concert
4th of July brought sparklers with family at the beach
and boat rides in LBI
In July DFH and I traveled to the Outer Banks in North Carolina and enjoyed a week of fun with friends
and beautiful sunsets.
In August we enjoyed our backyard garden and had fun experimenting cooking with all of our freshly grown veggies and spices.
In September, I Enjoyed one last weekend at the beach with Family
and on September 14th DFH and I got Engaged!!
and attended our 10 year High School Reunion.
In October DFH and I ventured to Long Island to visit my grandparents
I Attended the Junior League of Pittsburgh's 90th Anniversary Gala
And I loved having my Elon girls visit Pittsburgh for a girls weekend.
In November LES and I road tripped to DC to visit a good friend.
and I asked my sister JLP to be my Maid of Honor and she said YES!
In December, I enjoyed spending the holidays with family and friends, and my parents hosted a wonderful Engagement party for DFH and I.
DFH and I finished the year with a delicious dinner and drinks with great friends and rang in the New Year ( and year of our wedding) together!
Happy 2013!