Monday, June 29, 2015

We Meet Again

Hello!? Is anyone still out there?? As usual work craziness over the past couple of months has resulted in abandoning the blog.  In my defense though not only was works nuts, but I chaired a Junior League shopping event and was out of town what seemed like almost every weekend.  I am hoping things will remain quiet for a bit, until the next storm hits.

Anyways, here is where I have been since the Lilly sale ( which was embarrassingly super long ago)

1. I ran the Pittsburgh Marathon (Relay)

Together the 5 of us ran 26.2 miles through Pittsburgh! 

The post-race celebration is always the best part.  

Last week was the first time I ran since the marathon, I even had to pull off the race tracker which was still on my shoe. ( Can you tell I'm trying to put my life back together hahaha)

2. I saw Hall and Oates live:

3. Oliver celebrated his 2nd birthday:

4. We spent the weekend camping out with friends at Delfest in Cumberland, MD

We heard some great bluegrass music and I finally got a little color on my pale pale skin.

5. My sister got engaged!! I am so so so happy for her and her fiancée.  Time to plan! 

6.  I chaired a super fun Junior League shopping fundraiser. 

My Junior League event team. 

7. Cooking Class

My friend LES spent 4 weeks in Asia this spring. We had a cooking class where she taught us to make pho and spring rolls... and fresh coconut drinks. 

Can you tell I am loving my Sift with Style tassel necklace? I am wearing it in almost every picture. The colors are just too perfect for summer.  Check out her Etsy page HERE

I also spent two weekends in NJ for weddings which I will do as separate posts, this post was already super photo heavy.

Woah .. That was long.  Thanks for reading until the end.