Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!   I just got back from a wonderful weekend with my family.  While at home in New Jersey my mom and I shopped around a little town called Frenchtown which is right on the Delaware River and outside of the town I grew up in. 

The town is full of quaint little shops and boutiques.  ( We made sure we got our Small Business Saturday Shopping in)

One of the shops we stopped in was called Two Buttons and is owned by the Husband of Elizabeth Gilbert who is the author of Eat, Pray, Love

How cute is their sign?

The shop is full of neat statutes and items from around the world, but most items are from South East Asia

The shop had so many unique pieces, I wanted everything, but ended up leaving with a few goodies

Elizabeth happened to be working at the shop with her husband, and they were both so lovely.

I love the shop motto:
Our problem here at Two Buttons is the same as ever: we are obsessed with beauty.

Please check out their Website to find out more about this neat fun little shop


  1. That is so neat that you got to meet her! Looks like a lovely shop! I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

  2. Wow how cool is that!! A brush with fame :)
    This town looks adorable, so glad you had a great time away!!

  3. I love small towns-they are always so much fun and filled with such good stores!
